Welcome to my personal website.
I am Dipendranath Mahato (দীপেন্দ্রনাথ মাহাতো) and I am currently having my Doctoral degree from Tulane University, under the supervision of Prof. Tai Hà. You can find my primary educational background (like High Schooling, Undergrad College, Masters University) at About Me, also you can find my Teaching Experience, my Research Works, my conference/ workshop/ etc. details at Academic Events, my past talks and presentations are also added here. Beside all these I am writing some blogs where I try to discuss my own opinion on different topics and you may find it interesting.
As of now, my primary interest lies in Commutative Algebra, Algebraic Geometry and Combinatorial Geometry.
My current study revolves around
Symbolic Powers, Chudnovsky's Conjecture, Demailly's Conjecture, Containment Problems, Resurgence